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Is studying abroad something you’re dreading more than anything else? On one hand, it’s a chance to learn about a different society, broaden your views, and improve yourself and your studies. 

While it can be exciting, it can also make you nervous about leaving your comfort zone, getting lost, and being away from people you care about. But remember that these worries are natural and can be addressed with proper planning, preparation, and a positive mindset. 

Here are some tips to help you overcome your fears and embrace the journey of studying abroad:

Identify and Address Your Fears

Identifying your fears is the first thing that will help you get over them. What exactly are you worried about? Is it the difficulty of learning a new language, navigating a foreign culture, being far away from loved ones, or settling into a new school? Once you know exactly what worries you, you can look for ways to deal with them.

Research Your Destination

It will seem less terrifying if you know more about the culture and history of your first host country. As an international student, you should learn about the culture, language, school system, and other available services. Being well-informed will give you a sense of assurance and readiness.

Attend Your Pre-Departure Orientation

Most universities offer orientations to international students before they leave their home country. These orientations are helpful because they teach useful things like safety rules, cultural norms, academic expectations, and ways to live and study in a different country. 

Plan Financially

Feeling anxious about the money you will spend is normal. Therefore, planning how you will pay for your trip and looking into grants, scholarships, and part-time jobs in your target country is essential to help manage your finances. 

Keep an Open Mind

You can better yourself and broaden your perspective by studying abroad. Never close yourself up to new experiences, no matter how scary they may be. Be open to learning and development from the experience, and remember that you will likely encounter obstacles. 


As you start the exciting journey of studying abroad, remember that each step you take, each new experience, and every challenge you face will make you more confident. So, take a deep breath, step into the unknown, and embrace the extraordinary journey that awaits.

Are you having difficulties choosing the right study-abroad destination? Contact Purplebook today!!

Also, check out this scholarship in case you missed it: Dalhousie University Scholarship Canada 2024

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